About Mainstream Global’s Policy

Since inception back in 2000, Mainstream Global has worked tirelessly to create an organization and reputation that conveys our commitment to maintaining a high level of integrity and ethics.

Preserving this reputation is critical and will not be compromised; principles cannot be sacrificed for results. The responsibility to apply legal and ethical principles in our daily conduct and broad relationships begins with our executive leadership and extends to all our team members at every level of the organization globally.

We are committed to demonstrating and supporting responsibility and active contribution toward our environment, employees and their families, customers, suppliers, and our communities. We foster an environment that ensures our employees a safe workplace where they are valued and supported in an environment of integrity and respect.

We pride ourselves on the stellar reputation we have created as an organization and understand this extends to public perception which is critical to our overall success as well as those who chose to partner with us.

Social Responsibility, Behavior and Ethics in Business Policy Excerpts

Competition and antitrust laws

Mainstream Global complies with national and international laws and regulations related to fair competition and the defense of competition, which is why we consider illicit behaviors that tend to reduce competition or restrict free trade. We do not participate in formal or informal agreements with competitors in relation to the following matters: (a) price; (b) issues that affect the price; (c) production levels; (d) inventory levels; (e) offers in bids; (f) division of sales territories, products, customers or suppliers; (g) marketing; or (h) mutual customers.

Anti-corruption laws

Representative or employee of Mainstream Global are not allowed to receive directly or indirectly offers payment of bribes, or gifts to obtain or retain business, as well as influence a commercial or legal decision. Consequently, Mainstream Global does not offer or deliver sums of money or items of value, either, directly or indirectly, through its employees or third parties, with the intention of obtaining or retaining business, or achieving an improper commercial advantage of any other way.

Accuracy in the records

Mainstream Global maintains accounting records that are complete, accurate and reliable in relation to sales services and/or products, as well as all commercial transactions. False or deceptive accounting practices, clandestine funds and any other financial practices are prohibited by the company and could constitute a violation of applicable laws, therefore, employees of Mainstream Global should not deal with any kind of deceptive transactional documentation, inaccurate or falsified.

Relations with third parties / interested parties

Mainstream Global does not enter into contracts on behalf of its partners with any entity or individual that is involved or suspected of being involved in the payment of bribes, kickbacks or other similar improper or illegal payments. As an example, Mainstream Global must ensure and require that all its contractors and representatives observe a standard of ethics and conduct policy.

Conflict of interest

The representatives or employees of Mainstream Global must not have investments or relationships with external organizations that may place them in a position of conflict of interests with the company. In addition, the representatives or employees of Mainstream Global must not participate in legal actions in which the employee or his family members are counterparts of the company or have an adverse interest to the company.

International trade laws

The representatives and employees of Mainstream Global must comply with the legal requirements in force governing international business between countries that are involved in commercial practices, including and not limited to: export control laws, economic sanctions, anti-embargo, corrupt practices abroad, laws on money laundering, tax and customs regulations.

Intellectual property and industrial secrets

The representatives and employees of Mainstream Global will protect the intellectual property of the company and will not violate the rights of Mainstream Global or third parties with respect to their intellectual property.

Confidential information, information and data security / appropriate use of the computer, equipment, computer systems and applications

No employee is authorized to share or disclose internal information of Mainstream Global. All employees are required to execute the “MSG-012 Confidentiality Commitment” and respect the “MSG-013 Data backup and security policy.”

Equal Opportunities

Mainstream Global provides equal employment opportunities to all people regardless of race, color, religious tendency, sex, sexual orientation, identity, nationality, ethnic status, union or political affiliation, age, marital status, disability, pregnancy status or any other condition.

Human rights, non-discrimination and fair work practices

Mainstream Global complies with hygiene and safety standards, protection of the rights of people with disabilities, fair work practices and labor laws. All Mainstream Global locations comply with the local requirements regarding minimum wages and maximum working hours.

Mainstream Global is committed to uphold the human rights of all employees and workers, and to treat them with dignity and respect as understood by the international community. Mainstream Global says no to the use of; forced labor, prison labor, involuntary or captive work, slavery, work under non-restructured contracts, work in payment of debts or continuous renewal of contracts with modality of temporary contracts, nor is the work of minors accepted.

Mainstream Global is committed to maintaining a work environment free from discrimination and harassment, all employees must be treated with respect and dignity. Harassment is understood as a form of discrimination that will not be tolerated in Mainstream Global’s work environment, including any conduct of slander, threats, intimidation, humiliating jokes, graphic materials aimed at humiliation, hostility, aversion, explicit or implicit hints of a sexual nature.

Environment, Occupational Health and Safety

Mainstream Global carries out its operations in a responsible manner protecting the environment, as well as the safety and health of its employees though our Global IMS program.