4 Requirements to Successfully Capitalize On Secondary IT Markets in Latin America

secondary IT markets in Latin America

Here’s the primary goal of intelligent global remarketing: To help you recoup as much value as possible by redeploying your retired IT products into secondary markets in the United States and beyond.

The secondary IT markets in Latin America are ideal for the quick and effective reintroduction of high volumes of product, such as off-lease, excess inventory, consumer or field returns, or obsolete equipment. Despite its growing importance, however, not all North American companies in the reverse logistics space have what it takes to truly leverage global remarketing in this region: on-the-ground expertise and established distribution networks.

Secondary IT markets in Latin America present big opportunity

To take full advantage of the flourishing secondary IT markets in Latin America, look for a global remarketing partner that fulfills the following four requirements:

1. Certified and Internationally Compliant Data-Wipe and Destruction Services for Your Protection

Can your potential remarketing partner guarantee secure data wipe and data destruction services that have been independently validated by recognized third parties to protect your brand and company in a secondary marketplace?

Using best industry practices to wipe all confidential and personal residual data from electronics is an essential first step for any product that will be redeployed in a secondary IT market.  Bear in mind a key component of this process is tracking. All media storage devices should be tracked systematically from initial receipt through final disposition, whether that’s physical destruction or resale. Serial Number, Model Number, Asset ID, and Asset Parent (if applicable) should also be tracked throughout the entire process and saved for reporting purposes.

Although the erasure of data storage devices may seem like a straight-forward task, countless companies can attest that careless handling of sensitive or confidential information can result in serious consequences. A fully insured, auditable, and accountable data wipe solutions team is your best protection.

2. Comprehensive Testing and Refurbishment for Maximum Value

How comprehensive are the testing and refurbishment services offered?

Capturing the most value from each and every asset requires extensive knowledge and expertise.

Whether you’re looking to disposition storage devices, networking gear, desktops, laptops, LCD displays, memory modules, or CPUs, you need to be sure that your remarketing partner has the capabilities to put every product through a stringent, high-quality testing process.

Technicians play a key role in making sure you recoup as much value as possible. Trained across a variety of product categories, they help you gain the greatest amount of reuse and ensure all recovered products are functional and refurbished to manufacturer specifications before they hit the secondary IT markets in Latin America.

3. Processing to Standards, Regardless of Geography

Are they R2 certified?

In order to protect your brand in the global marketplace, it’s imperative to work with a R2-certified supply chain partner. The R2 Standard is the leading global certification for the electronics reuse and recycling industry, including comprehensive standards for quality and data security, worker health and safety, and environmental best practices.

The requirements in the R2 Standard apply all over the globe. In other words, you can rest assured R2-certified facilities — whether they are physically in North or Latin America — go through rigorous certification process followed-up by annual audits to ensure they adhere to the same stringent regulations that keep your products and the environment safe.

4. A Well-Established Distribution Network

How deep is their knowledge of the region and the demands/trends of the local markets? What kind of long-standing relationships have they built with Latin American partners?

A well-established distribution network and local market connections are both of utmost importance in leveraging secondary IT markets in Latin America.  Fully owned and operated fulfillment and processing centers across the region combined with sustained customer relationships are hallmarks of an effective remarketing partner.

How do you benefit? Your remarketing partner understands what drives local markets and is able to move high volumes of product without negatively affecting market conditions or market pricing.

Lastly, Consider Client Relationships

A global remarketing partner that fulfills all of the above can help you maximize the value of your retired/excess/off-lease products.

And, here’s a last tip: Consider the current roster of clients. “Upstream” client relationships should be as strong as your partner’s “downstream” relationships in Latin America. Do top-tier multinational companies utilize the services of your prospective remarketing partner? If so, why?

Finding an R2 certified partner with secure data-wipe solutions, strong refurbishment capabilities, and strong relationships with both a redeployment network and top-tier clients will allow you to feel confident in entering into the growing and increasingly lucrative secondary IT markets in Latin America.

Mainstream Global, Inc., headquartered in Lawrence, Mass., owns and operates processing centers in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.  With over 18 years of directly servicing and re-selling assets from top tier manufacturers, Mainstream Global is the recognized expert in the region.  Our partners rely on us for compliance, security, professionalism, and brand protection, all while providing the best returns and prioritizing global environmental standards. 

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Luis E. Yepez

Author Luis E. Yepez

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