IoT generates tons of data. How does it affect product lifecycle management?

product lifecycle management

Connected technology puts renewed focus on the last phase of product lifecycle management — the importance of secure data erasure 


  • Data generated by connected technology poses a challenge to organizations.  
  • Study shows many organizations leave their IoT apps open to security breaches. 
  • Pay close attention to what happens during the last phase of product lifecycle management for your IT assets. 
  • Experience, connections, certifications, and flexibility are crucial traits of an ITAD partner.  

The rapid growth of not only everyday connected devices (IoT), but also technologies that enhance manufacturing and industrial processes poses a challenge to company tech leaders. A surprising poll released by the TechRepublic CIO Jury found seven out of 12 members think their organizations are not prepared to handle the large amounts of data collected by the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). 

But while the current focus is largely centered on developing useful data analytics strategies, the inevitable next question is: How should this new generation of data-collecting devices be handled when they reach the end of their lifecycle? 

Last phase of product lifecycle management deserves close look 

Not every organization may realize what’s at stake based on an IBM Security and Ponemon Institute study that was recently published in Harvard Business Review. As many as 80 percent of organizations do not routinely test their IoT apps for security vulnerabilities, making it a lot easier for criminals to use IoT devices to spy, steal, and even cause physical harm.”  

If data security is overlooked while the assets are in use, it is not too late to pay close attention to what happens during the last phase of product lifecycle management for your IT assets 

Secure data erasure is an undertaking that businesses should not tackle on their own. The removal of all traces of residual data requires an expert partner with certified and proven expertise. An expert data wipe solutions team makes sure your company’s confidential data stays that way. Whether you’re looking for disposition of IoT/IIoT devices or “old-school” hardware, the same principles apply to the final stage of product lifecycle management: 

You need a partner with experience and connections 

The increase in volume and demand for data erasure is going to attract startup companies trying to capitalize on the growing ITAD market. However, newcomers will not have the deep industry connections and global network of processing centers that you need to get the most out of your retired assetsTake into consideration processing capabilities (Can the organization handle high-volume processing?and the speed of moving product to secondary markets (Can large volumes be remarketed without adversely affecting market pricing or conditions?). 

You need a partner with the right certifications.  

Standardized procedures matter because consistency in methods and outcomes is critical in secure data erasure. International standards such as the Department of Defense 5220.22-M  and NIST 800-88 — the highest data erasure standard in the United States — establish consistent procedures to optimize security and provide stringent guidelines to ensure that all trace data is removed. Other certifications to look for include: The R2 StandardISO 9001, ISO 14001ISO 45001/OHSAS 18001 

You need a partner who can offer tailored solutions.  

One size does not fit all. And you shouldn’t have to adjust to a partner with limited capabilities. A range of options give you the opportunity to decide whether you prefer to have the secure erasure performed at your own facility, a client site, or at one of your partner’s processing centers around the globe.  

Bottom line: Leaving data on retired connected devices is a risk you shouldn’t take.   

Mainstream Global, Inc., headquartered in Lawrence, Mass., owns and operates ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001 and R2 certified processing centers in the United States, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.  With over 19 years of directly servicing and re-selling assets from top-tier manufacturers, Mainstream Global is the recognized expert.  Our partners rely on us for compliance, security, professionalism, and brand protection, all while providing the best returns and prioritizing global environmental standards.  

Read more: 

Why the explosive growth of IoT calls for a solid asset disposal plan. 

A quick guide to best practices for data erasure.  

Landfills can do without obsolete electronic equipment: what to do instead. 

John Borrelli

Author John Borrelli

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