Why a growing number of lessors are outsourcing equipment disposition

Outsourcing equipment disposition lets you focus on your core services while achieving maximum resale and cost savings at high speed

An increasing number of equipment lessors are outsourcing equipment disposition to third-party service providers to help them develop and execute sustainable reverse supply chain IT asset solutions. These providers can help lessors manage a portion of the equipment financing and lease lifecycles, which in turn frees those lessors up to focus on their core competencies.

Whether you need help with global remarketing, data erasure, or responsible recycling, a third-party service provider can assist you in meeting goals and increasing your bottom line.

It’s undeniable that teaming up with a third party is a great way to offset some responsibility and improve business processes, but how do all of the benefits actually come together? Below, we’ll take a look at four reasons working with a third-party service provider can be a pivotal business decision.

Four Reasons to Outsource Equipment Disposition to a Third-Party Service Provider

Cost Savings

If you’re trying to build a global network of customers in the secondary market, you’re looking at a process that takes a significant amount of time and funding. A lengthy trial-and-error phase is likely something you can’t afford. Outsourcing equipment disposition not only saves internal resources but also helps achieve maximum resell, something that will have a direct impact on your bottom line.

Leave the granular and specialized work to specialists; you’ll be surprised how much weight is lifted off of your shoulders when you do.


Third-party service providers like Mainstream Global are experts at what they do—and expertise often translates to speed. A partnership means projects and work get done more quickly and efficiently. We all know that time is money, especially when it comes to moving high volumes of equipment into secondary markets, so why drag out projects when some support could speed things along?

Because these service providers have such a niche focus, they’re well-equipped to work through these complex processes quickly. In-house teams are a great tool to lean on during these processes but outsourcing a bulk of this work can save significant time.


Let’s face it: tasks like secure data wiping are best left to the experts. There are a number of best practices that should form the foundation of the process, and neglecting critical safety measures leaves you vulnerable to future exploitation.

The pros are certified in international industry standards. Standardized procedures are crucial to proper data erasure.

Customer Service

When you outsource these processes to a third-party, it frees you up to focus on building customer relationships. Any lender knows that customer interaction and relationship building is key to driving business and profitability—so shouldn’t you be able to focus on that rather than behind-the-scenes humdrum?

Leave specialized tasks like remarketing to third-party vendors so that you can afford yourself the time to build meaningful connections with your clients. Not only will it reduce stress, but it’ll also boost business performance and bolster your customers’ confidence in your business.

Contact us to learn more.

Mainstream Global, Inc., headquartered in Lawrence, Mass., owns and operates ISO 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001 and R2 certified processing centers in the United States, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil.  With over 19 years of directly servicing and re-selling assets from top-tier manufacturers, Mainstream Global is the recognized expert.  Our partners rely on us for compliance, security, professionalism, and brand protection, all while providing the best returns and prioritizing global environmental standards. 


Read more:

When disposing of IT assets, doing it wrong can ruin your company’s reputation

Video: A day in the life of an IT asset

Equipment management: Five trends to watch in 2019


John Borrelli

Author John Borrelli

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