Is Your Company ‘Going Green’? Where to Dispose of Electronics

where to dispose of electronics

Where to dispose of electronics?

It’s a question that needs to be treated with a certain degree of urgency given the disappearingly short life expectancy of electronic equipment, such as computers (only four years), flat-screen televisions (13 years), and smartphones (two years).

Electronic waste is, indeed, the fastest growing waste stream with an annual growth rate of almost 5%. As much as 75-80% of discarded electronic equipment ends up in landfills, despite the fact that close to 100% is reusable or recyclable. As a society we’ve been “going green” since the early 90s. Discarded electronic equipment should be no exception.

Going green with electronics

We hardly need to tell you why obsolete electronic equipment should be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner, but let’s consider the two main reasons:

  • Valuable materials: copper, tin, iron, aluminum, fossil fuels, titanium, gold, and silver. Most of the materials used in making electronic devices can be recovered, reused and recycled, including plastic and/or glass.
  • Hazardous waste: Improper disposal of mercury, lead, and cadmium can cause significant harm to human health and the environment, seeping into the soil and water streams. Currently, e-waste makes up as much as 70% of all toxic waste.

Where to dispose of electronics responsibly

To ensure your company’s discarded computer and electronic equipment is being recycled to best industry standards, you have a few options:

1. Contact the producer of the equipment

Many large electronics producers offer buyback and return options to businesses, taking the  responsibility of where to dispose of electronics off your hands.

2. Find an experienced remarketing and recycling partner

Joining forces with a certified expert in remarketing and recycling provides multiple opportunities for reuse and recycling for your discarded equipment.

Because the goal of remarketers is to gain the greatest amount of reuse from all materials received through the reverse supply chain, the environment reaps the benefits alongside the financial wellbeing — and — reputation of your company.

Following testing, grading, and repair, your products can hold considerable value in a secondary marketplace, such as Latin America. If the equipment cannot be resold, your partner still ensures it is recycled responsibly with minimal environmental and toxic impact.

Off-lease products, excess inventory, consumer returns, and outdated equipment shouldn’t find their way to a landfill. With a certified remarketing and recycling partner, your company’s e-disposal practices can take a path that is better for both the environment and your company’s finances.

Mainstream Global, Inc., headquartered in Lawrence, Mass., owns and operates processing centers in Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.  With over 18 years of directly servicing and re-selling assets from top-tier manufacturers, Mainstream Global is the recognized expert in the region.  Our partners rely on us for compliance, security, professionalism, and brand protection, all while providing the best returns and prioritizing global environmental standards. 


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John Borrelli

Author John Borrelli

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